Power and Water
This technically superior and cost effective solution for casing electrical, communication, or data cables replaces traditional PVC piping. The bendability allows for easy handling and navigating bends and turns. DuraBend reduces installation and repair times and allows for upgrading at a lower cost.
- High crush resistance over PVC
- UV protected
- Chemically inert and corrosion resistant
- 50 year life expectancy
- Dielectric
- Low electromagnetic interference

Duratrac has built-in detectability that is designed to provide precise locations of underground PE piping systems for water and gas distribution. It carries a co-extruded HDPE encased copper wire along its entire length. Duratrac can save both time and labor during repair, maintenance and upgradation work and prevent damage to other buried utilities.
- Facilitates precise digging
- Detects up to 5 meters deep and available 6 to 12mm length
- Offered from 20mm to 1000mm OD
Potable Water
Dura-Line’s potable water pipe is ideal for fulfilling pipe requirements and has excellent SCGR (slow crack growth resistance) properties and is superior hydrostatic strength and durability for long life expectancy. The lightweight and flexible design makes for faster and easier installations.
- Outstanding flexibility and crush resistance
- Ranges from 20mm to 1000mm OD
- Superior hydrostatic strength and long life durability
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Does not support microbial growth

Drainex is a slotted sub-soil drainage pipe that is used in applications like civil engineering and agriculture. The double-wall corrugated construction provides high ring stiffness.
- High impact strength
- Available in 75mm, 110mm, and 160mm OD
- Available in 6m lengths