The Foundation of a Smart City
The foundation of a Smart City starts with fiber optic cable placed in conduit. Having a flexible, easily upgradable fiber optic network is a must and only a conduit system prevents the hassle of new construction costs. Dig Once! Permanent, protected pathways designed to meet today’s high bandwidth demands can scale to accommodate new technologies in the future. Replacement takes minutes, not days.

Solving Community Problems
Municipal governments are making data-driven decisions, working more efficiently, offering more services, and saving taxpayers money. By deploying smart cameras, smart monitors, and other smart devices in the community, city officials are able to increase citizen engagement and resident satisfaction. The defining first step into the world of Smart Cities might originate when the mayor learns of the sustainability of smart lighting, or the public works department is keen on advanced parking meters, or the city manager is strategically creating a welcoming environment for entrepreneurship to recruit and retain jobs. Each Smart City is solving community problems with technology and data.
Smart Neighborhoods
Becoming a Smart City also means supporting Smart Neighborhoods. High-speed internet access is the fourth basic utility, beyond water, gas, and electricity. Emerging technologies allow for comprehensive interactive personal home security systems, refrigerators that automatically make a grocery list, and live face-to-face medical consultations with a doctor from the comfort of your own home. Everyday items and tasks are evolving into high tech versions where daily chores are carried out via broadband.
Living Connected
Residents live a connected life in a Smart City. They are always informed and able to communicate, whether they are at work, home, or play. Providing seamless access to Wi-Fi requires infrastructure to support the exponential growth in data.
Suggested Resources for Building a Smart City